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Chemical Name | CAS No. | Trade Name | Content | Package | Category |
PN E11 | Slow Setting | PN E11
| Slurry seal and microsurfacing
| Liquid,conventional emulsion with slightly longer open times suitable for hand working
| Bitumen emulsifier
PN 404 | Slow Setting | PN 404
| Slurry seal and microsurfacing
| Liquid emulsifier,applications to extend the mix time
| Bitumen emulsifier
PN 4875 | Slow Setting | PN 4875
| Cold recycling
| Liquid,very slowsetting emulsifier for fully coated,solvents,storage stable coldmix orgrave emulsion
| Bitumen emulsifier
PN S331 | Mediate Setting | PN S331
| Prime coat
| Pasty,the emulsion has good stability and high viscosity
| Bitumen emulsifier
PN EM26 | Mediate Setting | PN EM26 | Slurry surfacing and cold mix
| Liquid,cationic
| Bitumen emulsifier
PN 4819 | Quick Setting | PN 4819 | Tack coat and surface dressing
| Pasty,ordinary,demulsificatio
| Bitumen emulsifier
PN 103 | Quick Setting | PN 103 | Tack coat and surface dressing
| Solid,suitable for high viscosity stone
| Bitumen emulsifier